Makowska A, Kontny U, Liehr T, Weiskirchen R. The struggle continues: Cell misidentification. Lab Investig Moch J, Radtke M, Liehr T, Eggermann T, Gilissen C, Pfundt R, Astuti G, Hentschel J, Schumann I. Automatized detection of uniparental disomies in a large cohort. Hum Genet Mokhtaridoost M, Chalmers J, Soleimanpoor M, McMurray B, Lato D, Nguyen SC, Musienko V, Nash J, Espeso-Gil S, Ahmed S, Delfosse K, Browning J, Barutcu A, Wilson M, Liehr T, Shlien A, Aref S, Joyce E, Weise A, Maass P. Inter-chromosomal contacts demarcate genome topology along a spatial gradient. Nature Comunicat ; Nikitin PA, Sidorov S, Liehr T, Klimina K, Al-Rikabi A, Korchagin V, Kolomiets O, Arakelyan M, Spangenberg V. Variants of a major DNA satellite discriminate parental subgenomes in a hybrid parthenogenetic lizard Darevskia unisexualis Darevsky, JEZ-B Pires S, Jorge P, Liehr T, Oliva-Teles N. The challenge of classifying human chromosomal heteromorphisms by banding cytogenetics: from the controversial guidelines to the need of a universal scoring system. Hum Genome Var Seixas J, Padutsch N, Kankel S, Liehr T, Sy A. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of rare, but repeatedly observed inversions in German population. Cytogenet Genome Res Setti PG, Deon GA, dos Santos RZ, Goes CAG, Garnero ADV, Gunski RJ, de Oliveira EHC, Porto-Foresti F, de Freitas TRO, Silva FAO, Liehr T, Utsunomia R, Kretschmer R, Cioffi MdB. Evolution of bird sex chromosomes: a cytogenomic approach in Palaeognathae species. BMC Ecol Evol Satellite DNAs and the evolution of the multiple X1X2Y sex chromosomes in the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus Teleostei; Characiformes. Scientific Rep ; Weiskirchen R, Kankel S, Liehr T. Short tandem repeat profile for authentication of immortal murine cancer cell line MHA. Cell Tissue Biol, T Liehr translated by Hao Wang Chinese: Small supernumerary marker chromosomes. Zhejiang University Press. T Liehr translated by Hao Wang Chinese: Uniparental disomy in clinical genetics. P Li, T Liehr Human ring chromosomes. A practical guide for clinicians and families. T Liehr Alles, was man über Uniparentale Disomie wissen muss UPD und Imprinting Epubli ISBN T Liehr All you need to know about uniparental disomy UPD and imprinting Epubli ISBN Hussen BM, Rasul MF, Abdullah SR, Hidayat HJ, Faraj GSH, Ali FA, Salihi A, Baniahmad A, Ghafouri-Fard S, Rahman M, Glassy MC, Branicki W, Taheri M. Mil Med Res. Khensuwan S, Sassi FdMC, Moraes RLR, Jantarat Prostituierte In Mainz Thai Cat, Seetapan K, Phintong K, Thongnetr W, Kaewsri S, Jumrusthanasan Prostituierte In Mainz Thai Cat, Supiwong W, Rab P, Tanomtong A, Liehr T, Cioffi MB. Animals Mingkwan B, Sassi FdMC, Muanglenm N, Pinmongkhonkul S, Pinthong K, Tongnunui S, Yeesin P, Tanomtong A, Liehr T, Cioffi MdB, Supiwong W. Evolutionary tracks of chromosomal diversification in Trichopsis Anabantiformes, Osphronemidae fishes: New insights from a molecular cytogenetic perspective. Biodiversitas Sci Reports T Liehr Ed. Cytogenetics and Molecular Cytogenetics 1st Edition eBook ISBN T Liehr Kleine überzählige Marker-Chromosomen Epubli ISBN
Mannheim BMW-Fahrer 23 rammt Radfahrerin Hussen BM, Mohamadtahr S, Abdullah SR, Hidayat HJ, Rasul MF, Hama Faraj GS, Ghafouri-Fard S, Taheri M, Khayamzadeh M, Jamali E. Front Immunol. Kölns Kader-Katastrophe. Soghala S, Harsiny K, Momeni P, Hatami M, Kholghi Oskooei V, Hussen BM, Taheri M, Ghafouri-Fard S. Nach 70 Stunden Verhandlung Das Statement von VW.
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