Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first. Hyperion offers both CDs, and downloads in a number of formats. The site is also available in several languages. Please use the dropdown buttons to set your preferred options, or use the checkbox to accept the defaults. It is significant that once he had the energy to contemplate composition, his interests should have turned to another biographical song-cycle. Like Elisabeth Kulmann, Mary Stuart was a tragic figure whose poetry enabled her to speak in her own words; for her supporters she was a martyr, to her enemies an adulteress and murderer. Even after a quarter of a century these camps tended to divide along Catholic and Protestant lines. He had done his best to make the world aware of the sad story of Elisabeth Kulmann; here he was counsel for the defence for a more famous plaintiff. As a critic he had done so much to welcome Brahms, and many others, into the musical world; it seems that he still felt the need to champion those he thought deserving of his support. And now from Elisabeth to Mary, with an off-stage role for Dating Trésor Antony Île-de-france Frankreich less angelic Elizabeth, the Queen of England. The linking of these names would not have been lost on Schumann, always aware of such strange coincidences. The cycle, in four of its five episodes, is lacking in overt histrionics and melodrama, and that is perhaps one of its strengths. The combination of history and understated pathos has held the recital stage with increasing regularity and conviction. Instead we see a young girl devoted to her adopted land of France, a young mother concerned for the legacy of her son, a proud imprisoned queen forced to write a pleading letter, the same prisoner some years later renouncing hope in life and, finally, praying before a fearful death. Schumann expected his public to know the life story of Mary Stuart, making sense of the Dating Trésor Antony Île-de-france Frankreich gaps. I apologise for the necessary abridgements and simplifications in the following chronology:. Mary Stuart was born in Linlithgow on December 8, The death of her father, King James V of Scotland, left her Queen of Scotland at the age of six days. She was sent to France when she was five, and she was brought up at the court of King Henri II. In a state of uneasy truce with England, it was a land ravaged by religious strife. Mary set sail from France for Scotland in August She was five months from her nineteenth birthday. Don't show me this message again. Track s taken from CDJ Digital booklet PDF. Gisbert, Freiherr von Vincke View whole album. Banse proves to be a wonderfully perceptive interpreter. The were written in a short period of calm at the end of — a disastrous year during which Schumann had been unable to compose for months at a time. The appointment as Music Director in Düsseldorf was a catastrophe, and his work as a conductor was considered a farce. A trip to Scheveningen seems to have done him some good, and there was a six-week gap during which his creative faculties returned — whether in full or only in part remains a question of some controversy. At Christmas he was able to present the completed cycle to Clara. I apologise for the necessary abridgements and simplifications in the following chronology: Mary Stuart was born in Linlithgow on December 8, Für seinen letzten Liederzyklus wählt Schumann fünf angeblich von Maria Stuart selbst verfasste Gedichte aus Gisbert Vinckes Anthologie englischer und schottischer Dichtung namens Rose und Disteln. Deutsche Schüler waren durch Schiller, dessen Maria Stuart ihre Sympathien gegen Elisabeth beeinflusst hatte, gut bekannt mit der Geschichte. Sie war wie auch Schumann vom Schicksal vor Ablauf ihrer Zeit zur Vernichtung auserwählt. In Nach der Geburt ihres Sohnes befindet sie sich bereits in den Händen ihrer Feinde, der schottischen Lords. Die beiden kurzen Lieder Abschied von der Welt und Gebet stellen sie kurz vor der Hinrichtung dar. Die Musik ist so komprimiert und die Kompositionsmittel sind so bewusst beschränkt, dass es den Sängern schwer fällt, die nötige Majestät und Dramatik zu erzeugen, ohne die innnere Bescheidenheit der Musik zu verzerren. Dennoch Dating Trésor Antony Île-de-france Frankreich sich immer wieder Sänger herausgefordert, diese verstörend flüchtige Sequenz zu einem erinnernswerten Erlebnis zu machen. Graham Johnson piano.
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